Credit Builder

Power-Up or Repair Your Credit Score

It’s no secret that the stronger your credit score, the greater the potential to save thousands of dollars when funding your needs. Many believe credit repair only benefits those with the need to fix challenging credit scores. Our credit repair not only helps those with challenged credit but is an important tool for those with good credit to find a pathway to even stronger credit scores. Staying on top of your credit health is paramount to you and your business not being subject to less than optimal credit options.

Some Simple Facts

A 620 credit score is the magic number when it comes to qualifying for even the low “teaser rates” most lenders advertise. It’s the rate lenders advertise to get you to initiate the lending process. The truth is most lenders WILL NOT offer you that “teaser rate” but have now teased you into their trap. It’s at this point they will coax the client in deeper, and start requesting additional information. At the end of the process most borrowers will qualify for something but it will be far from the original teaser.

As a client advocate, ESU-Global will NEVER quote you a teaser rate, or charge you for an application fee or a processing fee or any other fees. ESU-Global encourages our clients to Prepare before you Dare (applying for a loan). Better credit puts you in control and increases your power to qualify for the best rates available. Be a rebel, build or fix your credit and control your own destiny !